
What is a nikah nama in english
What is a nikah nama in english

what is a nikah nama in english what is a nikah nama in english

In the event that you are living abroad or need more chance to make a couple of visits to the union council for this reason, we will be glad to help you in this we will get your duplicate Nikah Nama (Marriage Certificate) from authorities. This occasionally turns into a difficult errand for exile Pakistanis living in various nations of the world who can’t make a trip to Pakistan for this undertaking. On the off chance that you have lost your Nikkah Nama, or you want to obtain a copy/duplicate Nikah Nama (Marriage Certificate), the best strategy is to contact concerned specialists of Union Council where it was registered and apply for a certified and verified copy. Under the Muslim Family Regulation Statute 1961, It is required that the Nikah Nama is registered with the neighborhood Union Council, where a unique copy of Nikah Nama is kept as an openly available report and two different duplicates to be served to the bride and man of the hour. ‘Nikah Nama’ (marriage contract) is an authoritative record guaranteeing the solemnization of marriage between a couple.

What is a nikah nama in english